




Reply to Wireless charging broken in iOS 13 Beta 3
Update: I am getting wireless charging to work during the day, albeit a bit slow. But I am finding that it will not charge past 80% wirelessly overnight. I went to bed at 70%, and it stopped at 80% when I woke up 7 hours later. I am going to see if overnight wed charging goes past 80% tonight. I currently have optimized charging "off" but I have also toggled it several times. I'm guessing that there is a bug with optimized charging.
Jul ’19
Reply to Wireless charging broken in iOS 13 Beta 3
I have noticed a problem with wireless charging as well - but I thought it was related to the new battery optimized charging. I get up at nearly exactly the same time each day, and even have an alarm on my phone for that. I noticed that the phone never charged more than 80% overnight. In the last two days (with the latest beta, I think 4) wireless charging does not seem to be working. Leaving the phone on a charger (I have tried with several) results in either no charging or VERY slow charging (like 1% after 30+ minutes). Charging via a cord works fine.Perhaps unrelated, but maybe a sign of a battery problem with this beta, is taht my iPad now drains very fast when it is not being used. If I keep it "off' but not powered down for a few hours, I will come back to 40-50% battery drain. That never happened previously.
Jul ’19